Simple Agent-based Computational Model of Costless Market Without Intermediation

by Michal Kvasnička. I would really appreciate your comments or hints. Email me please to michal dot kvasnicka at
  econ dot muni dot cz.

The model and the results of its simulations are described here. You can also see the source code here. You should see the model itself below (java plug-in needed).

The model is used like this: The simulation is started and stopped with GO button. SETUP button sets variables up for the next simulation. Sliders in the bottom of the applet set up the internal model constants. The sliders in the first column regulate the number of traders and the demand and supply curves. The sliders in the second column regulate the market institutions. The sliders in the third column regulate ZI-P traders adjusting algorithm. After changing these sliders you should better stop the simulation (hit the GO button), reset it with SETUP button, and start it from the beginning with GO button. You can regulate the speed of the simulation with the slider at the top of the black window.

Created with NetLogo.